Observations from an Eataliano
Butchering the language
Eating up life
Helping others find their Italy!


Don’t kiss me – Kick me

Don’t kiss me, kick me…

I just spent 6 weeks in Italy, as the Corona virus started appearing. Areas of Italy turned into ‘red zones’, and then the entire country put on ‘lock-down’. During this…
Turn Signals?

Don’t use your blinker!

Americans are fanatical about turn-signal (blinker) usage in their cars. It’s an emotional part of driving that they obsess over, swear at others, and post social media rants about. It’s…
My New Photografriend-Pierpaulo

I made a photografriend!

About a week ago, I happened upon a beautiful park. It was alongside the river Serchio in Tuscany. A large river that rushes down from the mountains, then as it…
A Little Cherub

A little art everywhere

I find little pieces of art are found all over Italy. It’s on the sides of houses, along the roadside, inside government buildings, on walls, (and ceilings) – it’s everywhere! …
You may have the universe if I may have Italy

You may have the universe

I love quotes. Others are so much more eloquent, so I’ll add quotes from time to time, to help express my feelings about Italy.  “You may have the universe if…
cogne italy

Where’s home?

What do we call home? In the US – we are Americans first, then our state (Colorado for me), then local community. We generally skip over the county – as far as…