Observations from an Eataliano
Butchering the language
Eating up life
Helping others find their Italy!


Bagni di Lucca Umbrellas

Introducing Eatalianos

Food & Drink

We Eatalianos - we love everything that surrounds food and drink. The four C's of Cooking, Consumption, Community and Cleanup too. Join in and we'll eat Italian together! Buon Appetito!

Living in Italy

For me, traveling to Italy progressed to living in Italy, well, at least part-time. We've learned so much about how to live well from our Italian friends. Let us help you to find 'your Italy'!

Culture of Dolci Vita

Something is different in Italy. It's hard to explain, but wonderful to experience. How the Italians look at life is something that we can all learn from. And hopefully share with others.

Why Why Why

Sometimes the world isn't as it seems. So, we ask Why? We build mental models, make assumptions to put our brains at ease, but maybe we've over-simplified, or guessed wrong. Lets dig into what's really happening here.

Welcome to Eatalianos, my blog.

My name is Clark Hodge, and a few years ago I was lucky enough to purchase a home in Italy.

I’d prefer not to talk about the exact place. I worry about how some well-intentioned folks with huge followings publicize a place. Then the place becomes overrun with people wanting that same experience. I’d rather help you find a unique experience to you. And in so doing, with respect to the locals, not overrun and diminish the place. Done right you’ll leave the place better than before you came! As I write this, I have zero followers, so not sure why I’m worried. I think there’s 10,000 other villages just like mine, and if you like what you read, and want to explore – pick one, anyone. If you want help – just message me.

I’ve embraced la dolce vita, it’s my pleasure to share a little with you.