Observations from an Eataliano
Butchering the language
Eating up life
Helping others find their Italy!


Dante - Montefegatesi

I still don’t speak Italian

Time for another quote…

“And then there was you. You changed everything I believed in. You know that line from Dante that I quoted to you in the park? ‘L’amor che move il sole e l’altre stelle’?”
Her lips curled a little at the sides as she looked up at him. “I still don’t speak Italian.”
— Cassandra Clare (City of Fallen Angels (The Mortal Instruments, #4))

I’ve gotten by for several years now, without learning italian, and now I’m making the commitment (publicly) to learn. So much to learn, so many conversations. They can ONLY happen in Italian. ANDIAMO!

Side note – Dante Alighieri is the father of the Italian language!

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