Observations from an Eataliano
Butchering the language
Eating up life
Helping others find their Italy!


A little cherub

A little art everywhere

I find little pieces of art are found all over Italy. It’s on the sides of houses, along the roadside, inside government buildings, on walls, (and ceilings) – it’s everywhere! 

Of course there are the big art works that everyone talks about and visits. But here, it’s not always about the biggest or best. It’s about the many things that make daily life worth living. Residents, communities and organizations all contribute to these public displays. In Italy, I find something almost everywhere. Something placed for others to enjoy and perhaps make a statement. Something personal.

These bits of expression encourage a spirit of joy, and creativity.

They don’t have to be much. Some of my favorite pieces are hidden and tucked away, only to be discovered by those most attentive. I may walk by a home 20 times only on the 21st to discover some hidden relic embedded high on a wall. Then, with each subsequent visit – I can’t miss it. Others are are in plain site – but unexpected. Like those found while speeding through a round-about. 

Art makes life worth living. Support it. Find it. Consume it. Share it. Make it. 

Eatalinos – put a little art in your day.

6 thoughts on “A little art everywhere”

  1. That’s something I’ve loved about Japan, too. And it’s a lesson in learning how to observe, and really look! I’ll remember this when we get over there. Thanks!

    1. Was just thinking of you two and your upcoming trip. I’m working on, what to have for you. How much prescriptive “you gotta go here”, vs the more open “go this general direction and see what YOU find…”. Either way, you are going to love it!

  2. Kathleen Spring

    One thing that struck me was how casually the Italians take their architecture… and meaning in particular the ancient ruins. To see giant solo pieces of pillars laying between two modern buildings, or seeing people sitting on a giant chunk eating lunch…

    1. Yes, to me it seems like there’s innate respect that they develop. They don’t actively think about it but care very much for it.

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